Commercial Real Estate Syndicate

By admin
In November 7, 2015
November 7, 2015

We have been working with Illumina Business Consulting for two years on leadership and strategy. Illumina facilitates our annual strategy planning session in Hong Kong at the start of each year. We then get Illumina to run the mid-year review session in Singapore.

The feedback by the forty participants representing all of our business units by region & various cultures was extremely positive – by them being involved in the 360 degree personal reviews each person came away with enhanced self and team awareness. They then followed up with 1:1 consulting and every manager now has a personal development plan.

Most importantly, we reached consensus on the five year and one year business plans for Asia Pacific. We then established the five year and one year plans for each of the four regions. We now have a rolling five year planning cycle and a common planning template for each of the four regions. The workshop facilitation has been outstanding. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Illumina Business Consulting team in the years ahead.

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