Health Assessment

Take advantage of our Business Health Assessment – complimentary and without any obligation. It is available to business owners of any organisation employing more than 10 staff and an annual turnover of $2,000,000 or more.

Why you?

You own a business and you have issues you would like to address such as improving your cash flow, net profit and paying yourself more; or you would like to develop and grow your organisation to move it towards the next level. You could also be looking for a mentor to help you with your business skills and your work life balance.

Searching Questions & Action Plan

Our Business Health Assessment gives you the opportunity to review where you are today. We will ask you searching questions about you and your organisation and advise on your best course of action. Probing and challenging, this is much more than a tick box exercise. Our aim is to help you to understand your issues so that you can deal with them more effectively.

How long will it take?

It will take approximately 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours to complete the Business Health Assessment, which can be done either at your premises or at any other suitable local venue at your discretion.

Call us today at 02 9552 6699 or Email us at

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